
In 2023, Avolta further intensified its commitment to carefully listen to customers, achieving full alignment with our customer-centric strategy. Close customer and traveler engagement through our regular in-shop and online surveys continued to provide valuable insights on evolving customer expectations. While the global trends for sustainable, healthy and eco-friendly products and food were confirmed along with premium and innovative offers, we also identified some additional changes in shopping and dining behaviors. These are currently being analyzed for future implementation. 

Travel experience revolution coming to life 

Several recent new openings and refurbishments confirm Avolta’s ability to revolutionize the traveler’s experience through the introduction of innovative hybrid and highly experiential shopping and dining concepts. Showcases include the innovative “Haute Perfumery” concept, opened at Zurich Airport (Switzerland), the opening of the new “Debonair Food Hall” in Palermo’s Falcone Borsellino International Airport (Italy), the significant refurbishments and Next Generation store at Stockholm Arlanda Airport (Sweden) as well as the new hybrid concepts, “Hudson Cafè” with Baci, opened at Milan Malpensa Airport (Italy). 

Expanding healthy, wellbeing and sustainable offers

In 2023, Avolta continued fine-tuning its offers and service portfolio to increase the curated selection of healthy, wellbeing and sustainable products and menus. In this context we introduced 12 new retail brands to our portfolio across several categories. From an F&B perspective 46 new brands including vegetarian and vegan options have been presented to travelers on a global scale. Finally, we have again extended our premium offering in wine & spirits with low and zero alcohol options. For a detailed overview please refer to the ESG Report 2023.

The innovative mind.body.soul. shop-in-shop concept offers a range of nutritious, energy-focused foods for healthconscious customers, alongside sustainable products for a better environment, and relaxation-focused products that help promote a sense of well-being. First launched in Amman (Jordan), the highly flexible concept can be customized to the specific wants and needs of different locations and customer profiles. The concept has already been expanded into new locations and is currently deployed in São Paulo (Brazil), Zurich (Switzerland), Helsinki (Finland), Toulouse (France), London-Stansted (UK), and most  recently, Stockholm (Sweden) and Mexico City (Mexico). Further openings are planned in 2024 in Bali (Indonesia), Toronto and Vancouver (Canada) as well as in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh (Cambodia).

46 new F&B and 12 new retail brands introduced in our portfolio 

In close collaboration with our brand partners, we have further expanded our sustainable product identification initiative for the retail assortments to new locations and adding additional products from new brands. The selection features products that are sustainable under different aspects such as being Sustainable, Plastic Free, Recyclable or Refillable, Vegan, Palm Oil-Free or Supporting Communities. 

To help customers shop considerately, these products get marked with dedicated tags and are easily identifiable in our shops and on our online platforms. Currently, the sustainable product selection includes over 1,964 products from 23 global suppliers covering the main categories – food, liquor, perfumes & cosmetics – and is available in 167 shops across 126 airports, worldwide. A detailed description of this ESG initiative is available in the ESG Report.

Helping customers to shop and eat considerately

Similarly, Avolta helps consumers make conscious, responsible nutrition choices, for example by opting for certified-sustainable food, focusing on products prepared with a limited amount of ingredients or natural-origin ones, and items free from artificial colors or preservatives. In North America, for example, the selection of takeaway food includes items that respect animal welfare and are fair trade certified, supplied by B-Corp companies, or labelled as gluten free or BPA free. 

For a more detailed description of these ESG initiatives please refer to the ESG Report.

Customer engagement along the whole journey 

Every single day, Avolta welcomes customers representing more than 150 nationalities and we increasingly engage with them along their whole journey. Addressing travelers in the right language and presenting them with tasty meals, product novelties and attractive promotions is key to turn them into customers and driving sales. Digital services and tools are key elements to engage with customers along their whole journey from the moment they leave home until they reach their destination. 

Pre-order online, pick-up at the airport

Our New Generation Stores and the other more than 50 highly digitalized shops are cornerstones of this end-toend shopping experience, changing their appearance depending on which nationalities are present at the airport at any given time of the day, based on flight schedules, and presenting the brands that best fit the respective customer profile. Similarly, digital online menus, touchscreen kiosks, QR codes, apps, and digital payment systems simplify customer’s ordering process in our restaurants and F&B outlets.

Convenience is always a key sales proposition, and thus also a priority for Avolta. We believe that engaging with our customers before they enter our shops and well before they reach the airport, provides them with a great opportunity to pre-order products online before they even start their journey, and collect them conveniently once they are at the airport. Avolta’s «Reserve & Collect» service is already available in 223 locations in 45 countries around the world and new locations are being added – the full list is available on our website:

Global loyalty program 

Avolta’s loyalty program is a mobile application (App), which besides awarding points, offers exclusive advantages, discounts and airport benefits at Avolta retail shops. Members receive promotion notifications tailored to their preferences when approaching the airport. This allows Avolta to attract them to the shops and increase traveler conversion. Red By Dufry is live in 316 locations in 51 countries and is being continually expanded to further operations worldwide. For a full list of the locations offering Red By Dufry visit:

In Italy, Avolta also offers the «My Autogrill» loyalty program, working as an App and featuring a reward catalogue, discounts and dedicated customer services. My Autogrill is valid in all Autogrill and Nova Sidap Stores in Italy:

Forum is Avolta’s social media platform that provides stories from bloggers and influencers, as well as background information from brands, in an exclusive and inspirational environment. Moreover, Forum connects all our other digital initiatives such as Red By Dufry and Reserve & Collect. Forum is designed to position Avolta’s travel retail shops as the place to find the latest trends and novelties for the main product categories –


My Autogrill is the loyalty programm of Autogrill valid at Autogrill and Nuova Sidap stores in Italy.


Red By Dufry is live and available in 316 locations across 51 countries.


The service is already available in 223 locations in 45 countries around the world.


1,964 products from 23 global suppliers covering the main categories and is available in 167 shops across 126 airports.

Connecting brands and customers. 

While we foster experiences with an array of initiatives, such as activations, tastings, beauty treatments, novelties and delicious meals, we strongly focus on a comprehensive service portfolio for our customers. Our well-trained and highly motivated sales representatives and food & beverage servers help travelers navigate through a large variety of prestigious brands and advise them on attractive menu selections while providing them with valuable advice and information. For us, a satisfied customer is a customer who can trust us beyond the mere process of shopping or eating, but also just as equally when it comes to product, food and outlet safety as well as comprehensive after-sales services. 

Seamless customer service. 

Avolta is the only global operator in the industry to offer a true global return guarantee for products purchased in the company’s travel retail stores. Whether you purchase something in Zurich, Rio de Janeiro, Amman, Casablanca, Hong Kong, Toronto, Mexico City, Bali or in any other of our locations in the world: if there is a problem with any product that you purchased at an Avolta network store, we will replace, refund or exchange your product within 60 days of purchase. 

True global return guarantee for travel retail purchases. 

In 2023, Avolta’s customer service representatives, who can be reached in several languages by phone, email or online chat, attended 250,047 customers. Our customer service team provides worldwide support through our dedicated and simple to use online platform

Customer satisfaction, responsible marketing & product safety 

Customer satisfaction, responsible marketing and product safety is our first priority. We ensure that all products as well as food offerings reflect the respective health and safety regulations. Avolta complies with legal requirements at every location in which we operate and takes a proactive approach, working with governments and regulators to clarify any concerns.

Moreover, through active membership or close collaboration with industry and trade associations Avolta has helped to shape robust Codes of Conduct (e.g. UK Code of Conduct on disruptive passengers, UK Code of Conduct on VAT, ETRC Code of Conduct on Sale of Alcohol, DFWC Code of Conduct on Sale of Alcohol as well as the Serve Safe Alcohol program in North America, in collaboration with the National Restaurant Association) and continues to emphasize its «We ID» campaign, to raise consumers’ awareness about safe drinking by asking all customers to present identification when they purchase alcohol in our US stores. 

Avolta has also defined its own Supplier Code of Conduct and in 2023 has shared it for recertification with an increased number of suppliers across the globe including suppliers of retail products as well as F&B). More details are available in the ESG Report

When it comes to marketing and advertising initiatives, Avolta applies the same responsible stance that it shows in all its other activities. We commit to comply with marketing and advertising regulations in customer-oriented communication in the countries where we operate. 

Fostering responsible marketing and retailing. 

We expect the same behavior from our suppliers when using the space that we make available in our stores, F&B outlets and online channels for advertising and promotions. This also applies to product labelling, where we ask our suppliers to comply with the regulations of all the Avolta locations where their products are sold. Given that we operate in an environment where we serve many nationalities speaking different languages every day, we are proactively engaging with our industry trade associations and suppliers to find off-the-label solutions. 

Customer privacy & data protection 

In line with the expansion of its online activities and the increased use of digital applications involving customer data, the management and protection of customer privacy in the processes involving the handling of client information is an area of growing importance for Avolta. As a requirement of customs authorities as well as for contractual reasons – particularly when operating in airports or similar custom regime environments – the customer’s personal data is collected, processed and retained in accordance with the privacy statement.

Growing importance of customer privacy and data protection. 

The company’s Reserve & Collect and Red By Dufry services require additional personal customer information to provide them with newsletters as well as marketing & advertising materials. To protect customer data and ensure it is handled correctly, Avolta applies the highest security standards securing compliance with different legal frameworks. The company operates a number of systems and security processes, including a robust cyber security system, a data protection policy and internal procedures and policies, which follow relevant laws and regulations. Dedicated trainings are also carried out on a regular basis for team members dealing with personal information. 

Avolta continuously reviews and adjusts its processes to secure the alignment of our operations in accordance to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the new Swiss Data Protection Law. This involves maintaining expanded documentation and information requirements, privacy risk assessments and ensuring the right of individuals (customers, team members, partners and suppliers) to request access to, or to correct, delete, or object to processing of their own personal data, and to request data portability. Avolta keeps monitoring new developments in data protection regulations and adapts accordingly where required. 

Moreover, Avolta also undertakes internal Data Protection Audits and intrusion tests, on top of continuously discussing and improving the protection of customers’ personal data through quarterly dedicated meetings. For any customer, team member or third party who wishes to report a grievance or who has questions regarding Avolta’s data privacy, there is a specific compliance address to contact the company, with respective inquiries being coordinated by the Compliance and the Global Internal Audit & Investigations Department Avolta Helpline

Industry recognition for retail  expertise. Avolta’s expertise recognized by the industry In 2023, Avolta’s customer focus, retail and F&B excellence was once again recognized by different industry partners. A complete list of our awards is available here: Avolta Awards.

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