Corporate Governance

Committed to openness and transparency

Investors hero image 2023


Avolta is committed to the principles of good corporate governance. They ensure a sound balance of power and support the company in creating sustainable value for its various stakeholders. As a Swiss company listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, Avolta adheres to the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance. 

Further information regarding our governance can be found on this webpage.

Our Leadership

Biographies of the members of Avolta AG’s Bord of Directors and its Global Executive Committee can be found here.

Governance Documents

Corporate Governance, Remuneration and ESG Reports

Avolta publishes an annual Corporate Governance Report (available here) in accordance with the Corporate Governance Directive of SIX Exchange Regulation and a Remuneration Report (available here) and Non-Financial (Sustainability) Report (available here) in compliance with the Swiss Code of Obligations. 

Corporate Documents

The Articles of Incorporation of Avolta AG are available here and the Board Regulations here

Code of Conduct

The Avolta Code of Conduct outlines Avolta's standards of ethical conduct around the world. The Code of Conduct requires all employees and officers to follow the principles outlined in the document in their interactions with colleagues, customers, business partners and other stakeholders.

Listed Company

Avolta AG, Brunngässlein 12, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

Registered shares: SIX Swiss Exchange

Market Capitalization 
CHF 5,324,161,808 as of December 31, 2024 (based on 146,509,681 registered shares)

Percentage of shares held by Avolta AG
Around 0.945 % of Avolta AG share capital as of December 31, 2024

Security Numbers

ISIN-Code: CH0023405456
Swiss Security-No.: 2340545
Ticker Symbol: AVOL  

Capital Structure

As of December 31, 2024, the Company’s capital structure is as follows:

Ordinary share capital (Article 3)
CHF 732,548,405 (nominal value) divided in 146,509,681 fully paid registered shares with nominal value of CHF 5 each

Capital range (Article 3ter)
The Company has a capital range of CHF 686,764,130 (lower limit) to CHF 915,685,505 (upper limit). The Board of Directors is authorized to increase or decrease the share capital within this range once or several times by not later than May 15, 2029. 

Conditional share capital (Article 3bis)
CHF 34,937,935 (nominal value) divided in 6,987,587 to be fully paid registered shares with nominal value of CHF 5 each.

Significant Shareholders

Information regarding our significant shareholders and shareholder groups as well as additional information regarding the individual disclosure notices are available on the website of SIX Exchange Regulation here.

Investor Relations

Avolta engages with shareholders, analysts and investors on a regular basis to better understand their expectations, needs and concerns as part of the company’s stakeholder dialogue strategy and its Sustainability engagement. Such feedback received is taken into consideration when developing the company strategy as well as corporate governance and remuneration matters. In this context, management and the investor relations team regularly engages with equity and debt investors, analysts and rating agencies in the form of personal meetings, capital market day, investor and video conferences, calls and emails.

Unsponsored ADR

Avolta AG does not sponsor, participate in or assist any American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) program. ADR holders are not Avolta shareholders and are not entitled to the same rights as holders of bearer shares or registered shares.