Analyst Coverage & Consensus

Avolta's coverage by sell-side analysts

The consensus for Avolta is composed of the following analysts, who provide institutional investors with research findings and reports:


Gathered by VARA Research



Financial consensus data gathered by VARA, showing estimated turnover, CORE EBITDA, CORE EBITDA margin, CORE profit equity holders, EFCF, and EFCF conversion for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026. The table includes figures in CHF million and the number of estimates for each metric.


Consensus as of February 27, 2025

This consensus has been issued by Vara Research GmbH for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute investment advice. It is based on estimates and forecasts of various analysts regarding revenues, earnings and business developments of the relevant company. The company did not participate in the compilation of the estimates and it does not endorse them. Such estimates and forecasts cannot be independently verified by reason of the subjective character. Vara Research GmbH gives no guarantee, representation or warranty and is not responsible or liable as to its accuracy and completeness.

Consensus data are calculated as a median.


Avolta Number of Shares

Avolta expects for full-year 2023 a weighted average number of shares outstanding of 137.5 million (diluted).

For year-end 2023 (31/12/2023), Avolta expects a total number of shares outstanding of 152.6 million (diluted).