Results of Ordinary General Meeting of Dufry AG on April 28, 2016

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The Ordinary General Meeting of Dufry AG was held at the Grandhotel “Les Trois Rois”, Blumenrain 8, 4001 Basel, Switzerland, on April 28, 2016 at 14.00 hrs. The meeting was validly convened and constituted and shareholders duly registered in the share register of the Company representing 36,117,228 shares and 67.04% of the total share capital of Dufry AG were represented at the meeting.

  1. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to approve the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Annual Financial Statements for 2015, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 99.26% of the votes represented.
  2. As per the advisory Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to approve the Remuneration Report for 2015, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 91.15% of the votes represented.
  3. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to carry forward CHF 107,635,000 as retained earnings, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 98.27% of the votes represented.
  4. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to grant discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and to the persons entrusted with management for their activities in the financial year 2015, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 96.86% of the votes represented.
  5. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposals to re-elect (i) Mr. Juan Carlos Torres Carretero as member and Chairman of the Board of Directors; and (ii) Mr. Andrés Holzer Neumann, (iii) Mr. Jorge Born, (iv) Mr. Xavier Bouton, (v) Mr. Julían Díaz González, (vi) Mr. George Koutsolioutsos, and (vii) Mr. Joaquín Moya-Angeler Cabrera, and to elect (viii) Ms. Heekyung (Jo) Min and (ix) Ms. Claire Chiang as members of the Board of Directors; and to re-elect (x) Mr. Jorge Born and (xi) Mr. Xavier Bouton, and to elect (xii) Ms. Heekyung (Jo) Min as members of the Remuneration Committee, all until the completion of the next Ordinary General Meeting, the Board of Directors' proposals have been accepted by 84.71%, 96.99%, 98.57%, 99.67%, 97.40%, 96.00%, 99.62%, 99.87%, 99.84%, 97.04%, 97.63%, and 99.76%, respectively, of the votes represented.
  6. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to re-elect Ernst & Young Ltd as the Auditors for the financial year 2016, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 98.63% of the votes represented.
  7. As per the Shareholders' Resolution regarding the Board of Directors' proposal to elect Altenburger Ltd. legal + tax, Seestrasse 39, 8700 Küsnacht as the Independent Voting Rights Representative until the completion of the next Ordinary General Meeting, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 99.89% of the votes represented.
  8. As per the Shareholders’ Resolution regarding the Board of Directors’ proposal to approve a maximum aggregate amount of compensation of the Board of Directors for the term of office from the 2016 Ordinary General Meeting to the 2017 Ordinary General Meeting of CHF 7.7 million, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 91.22% of the votes represented.
  9. As per the Shareholders’ Resolution regarding the Board of Directors’ proposal to approve a maximum aggregate amount of compensation of the Group Executive Committee for the financial year 2017 of CHF 49 million, the Board of Directors' proposal has been accepted by 94.82% of the votes represented.