Regular ESG Reporting
While following the GRI Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines as a basic approach, the reported indicators are also mapped and aligned with the covered UN Sustainable Development Goals for better comparison.
Avolta ESG Reporting standards
Regular ESG Reporting
While following the GRI Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines as a basic approach, the reported indicators are also mapped and aligned with the covered UN Sustainable Development Goals for better comparison.
Signatory Member of the UN Global Compact
Dufry is a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative, and supports the Global Compact's 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anticorruption, reinforcing the company’s commitment to responsible business practices on a global basis. The respective UN Global Compact Progress Report is also part of and included in Dufry’s ESG Report.
As part of this commitment Dufry engages in collaborative projects, which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals, for which Dufry has been actively supporting the UN SDG #YouNeedToKnow Awareness Campaign since 2016.
Sustainable Development Goals
In the spirit of the SDG Target 12.6, that encourages companies to adopt sustainable practices and integrate sustainability information into their reporting as a way to understand, communicate, and better manage their contributions to the SDGs, Dufry maps and links the SDG targets with the existing GRI indicators. This additional step facilitates the understanding of Dufry´s efforts towards sustainability while clearly showing the progress in the the company’s commitment to support this global UN initiative.