Amendments to 3M and 6M 2019 Reports

In Q3 2019 Dufry identified required amendments in the accounting adopted on transition to IFRS 16 related to certain lease contracts for its retail shops.These lease contracts contain complex features and certain payments that were previously considered to be variable lease payments, and as such recognized as lease expenses in the statement of profit or loss when incurred, contain in substance fixed commitments, and therefore, should have been included in the initial measurement of the respective lease liabilities and right-of-use assets on January 1, 2019.

Since the Group adopted IFRS 16 as of January 1, 2019 under the modified retrospective approach (and did not restate comparative information for 2018), the error has no impact on comparative information presented in the third quarter or prior interim consolidated financial statements of 2019. More details related to the amendments mentioned above can be found in note 2.3 of the 9M 2019 interim consolidated financial statements and the results' presentation as presented below.

Online Annual Report 2018

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